Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Still Roaring with Relevance
Exploring the enduring impact of a theatrical masterpiece

With such an iconic and oft-reinterpreted play as 'Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' the question arises: does this 60-year-old play still hold cultural relevance today? Some productions opt to change the time or setting in an attempt to create a ‘distinct’ or ‘unique’ version, but the brilliance of Red Stitch’s production lies in preserving the original backdrop of 1960s America. This directorial choice brilliantly underscores how the themes and ideas in the story remain internationally relevant today, perhaps even more so. What was taboo in the 1960s is now more openly discussed, making the play's themes even more poignant.

Red Stitch is renowned for its incredible ensemble of actors, and witnessing their talents on a stage large enough to showcase their abilities is truly a sight to behold. Special credit goes to the wonderful Emily Goddard, who, despite having the least amount of stage time in this dialogue-heavy piece, steals every moment with her commanding presence. Her performance, a departure from her one-woman show This is Eden, retains the essence of that style of theatre. Goddard transforms what could be a caricature into a deeply empathetic character, particularly during her dance scene, becoming the heart of the piece amidst the script's absurdity.

Harvey Zielinski also delivers a spectacular performance, starting as the ‘normal’ one of the group but convincingly portraying a downward spiral. His journey is a delicate yet heavy reflection of the human condition, a key element of the play’s enduring appeal.

The main talking points, however, are the performances of Kat Stewart and David Whiteley as the iconic Martha and George. Their real-life marriage adds an intriguing layer to their on-stage chemistry. From the outset, it’s clear these characters, despite claiming love, are deeply appalled by one another. Yet, they play the material with an inherent sincerity that is magical to watch. Their fiery chemistry keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, not wondering what will happen next, but how it will happen.

A standout moment is the final minutes before the couple leaves the house. After all is revealed and everyone is shaken, a prolonged silence ensues. No music, no dialogue, just four people reacting to the events. The audience was in awe; the phrase ‘you could hear a pin drop’ is a truism here. This moment encapsulated the beauty of theatre, demonstrating how a crowd from diverse backgrounds can sit in silence and collectively feel. This shared experience of joy, sadness, and everything in between highlights why theatre remains vital in our ever-changing world and why *Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?* continues to be a culturally relevant masterpiece.

Experience this extraordinary production before it’s too late. Seats are limited, and this exclusive offer ends on July 21st. Don’t miss out—secure your place now and witness the timeless magic of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? played at the Comedy Theatre for a strictly limited season from 29 June – 21 July 2024.

Words by : Alex Dymalovski


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Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Still Roaring with Relevance